Osteopathic Manual Therapy

What is Osteopathic Manual Therapy?

Practitioners of Osteopathic Manual Therapy follow the philosophy that imbalances in the human structure contribute to or are directly related to the development and/or maintenance of disease. To find and remove the root cause is the job of the practitioner. Practitioners recognize that the human body is a collective unit of function that is self-regulating and self-healing – and will strive for health if given a chance. Our role is to encourage this self-healing capacity through manual treatment. We allow nature to do its job by removing any and all obstacles and obstructions that interfere with the proper function of the body's tissue.

Is it for me?

Osteopathic Manual treatment can be used for everyone. Manual Osteopathy looks at the body through a different lens, it does not treat specific conditions of the body, as those conditions may be the resultant of dysfunction elsewhere. Instead, it treats the body as a collective unit of function, looking to remove all obstructions that may lead to a variety of conditions.

Initial Treatment

The initial Manual Osteopathic appointment will involve a review of your health history, informed consent, and general assessment/treatment. The purpose of the health history is to identify any potential complications to treatment, and to provide a safe and effective treatment. The general treatment provides a baseline for further treatment. After treatment, the manual osteopath will give a recommended treatment schedule and discuss any potential side effects from treatment.

Treatment Overview

Osteopathic Manual Therapy uses hands-on manual skills that involve contact between your body and the Osteopathic Manual Practitioner's body. You may request that the practitioner avoid any sensitive areas where you are uncomfortable receiving treatment.

Manual Osteopathic treatments are based on the understanding that the body has the ability to self-heal and self-regulate, therefore treatment is not based on the allotted amount of time, instead it’s based on the what the body requires for that specific day.

Manual Osteopathic Practitioners do not render medical diagnosis, nor advise you on surgeries, medical procedures, or medications. If you have any questions on these, please discuss them with your primary medical provider.